Episode 44: “Boss”

Today’s word is “boss”, submitted by Jmac! Mitch wings it in interviews and hopes for the best, Fish gets promoted at the tender age of fourteen, Mat gossips about a death in the family, and Dan throws out resumes LIKE A BOSS. Leave a comment below...

Episode 42: “Gross”

Today’s word is “gross”, submitted by Fes from the Webcomic Beacon Podcast! Dan pukes on an underpaid service-woman, Fish peels her eyes open after getting kicked in the face by a horse, Mat talks about his mother scrubbing down old people, and Mitch...

Episode 41: “Prank”

Today’s word is “prank”, submitted by Morgan! Mat terrifies his mother with a giraffe, Mitch solves the case of the missing desks, Fish tells the story of the undying doll, and Dan makes dreams come true. Leave a comment below and tell us about a...

Episode 40: “Clowns”

After two weeks of voting, today’s word is “clowns”, submitted by Computoguy! This week, melancholy Mat uses a Mickey Mouse laugh to soften the blow, dirty Dan becomes a measuring instrument for little people, flamboyant Fish gets beaten down about...