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Episode 181: “Giraffe”
October 29, 2020Test your giraffe knowledge and see how you fare up against Jay, Andrew, and Dan! Mat returns with a poorly planned game called "Long Neck Fact, or Nah That's Wack"!Episode 180: “Quarantine”
September 10, 2020Bready or not, here we crumb! The One Word, Go! Show takes baby-steps into returning to the norm. Here's what we've been up to.Update: “New OWG in 2020!”
January 1, 2020A short update about what's to come in 2020 for the One Word, Go! Show. Edit: lol nevermind there was a global pandemicSpecial: “The Tale of the Midnight Society”
October 31, 2019Boo! It's the One Word, Go! Show's attempt at our 7th Annual Trick-or-Treatastic Halloweenathon! Who will make it into the coveted Midnight Society this year? Listen and find out! Or don't! Dan doesn't make it.Episode 179: “Blue” with Jason!
September 9, 2019Back at it again with another game! This week, we find out if we can figure out which Crayola crayon color names are real, and which were poorly made up. Selections include Permanent Geranium Lake, Slaughtermelon, and TIMBERWOLF (insert guitar lick here).Episode 178: “Neighbor”
August 16, 2019Who would you live next to, work for, or murder with a skinny fencing sword? Find out who we pick when we play another one of Mat's Poorly Planned Games™ called Neighbor, Labor, or Sabre!Episode 177: “Nude”
August 1, 2019Today we find out if "nude is the naked truth" by playing a poorly planned game titled "Naked or Faked"!Episode 176: “Mythology”
July 12, 2019Mat surprises absolutely nobody by proving he doesn't know the first thing about Greek, Norse, Egyptian, or literally any other type of mythology you can think of.Episode 175: “Conspiracy”
June 25, 2019Wake up, sheeple! The moon landing was a hoax created by lizard Illuminati members! Grab your tinfoil hats and join us as we dive deeper into some more extremely true conspiracy theories on this week's OWG.Episode 174: “Internet” with Caroline!
June 17, 2019Today we're joined by Dan's long-distance American girlfriend; the lovely and soft-spoken Caroline! Listen to the rest of us berate them for intimate details about their relationship!