by Mat | May 25, 2017 | 2017 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
Today’s word is “Wizard” sent to us by George! On today’s show, Mat creates bewitching names for a wizardous game, Dan justifies his love of Clippy the paperclip, Andrew rips fat clouds with Gandalf The Dank, and Mélissa pinches owls. We also...
by Mat | May 14, 2017 | 2017 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
This week’s word is “Casino” sent to us by Meghan! Today we celebrate Mother’s Day with the legendary Shelley – Mat’s Mom! Laugh with us as she reveals her insane theory about the security cameras at the casino, recalls the time she...
by Mat | May 4, 2017 | 2017 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
Today’s word is “Secrets” sent to us by Ian N! Today’s show kicks off with an intro courtesy of Adam and Bryon of Everyone Has A Podcast! After, we play a game of “Two Lies and a Truth”! Is Dan really a master of Karate? Has Andrew...
by Mat | Apr 27, 2017 | 2017 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
Today’s word is “Disney” sent to us by Quigs! On today’s show, Mélissa promotes her new musky perfume, Andrew gets pooped on by a magical Disney bird, Dan gets too excited about travel plans, and Mat has a horribly crippling gambling addiction....
by Mat | Apr 20, 2017 | 2017 Extras, Extras, Podcast |
In this extra One Word, Go! clip, Dan brings up the time Mat used to make animal noises to tell his classmates he wants their attention. This was a soundcheck recorded just before the “Disney” episode....