by onewordgo | Aug 29, 2018 | 2018 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
Today’s word is “Pivot” sent to us by Bradyn! On this week’s show, Dan recalls the first time he heard the word “pivot” with a very specific story from his childhood, MĂ©lissa thinks a fulcrum is a part of the male anatomy, Andrew...
by onewordgo | Dec 1, 2014 | 2014 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
This week’s word is “Hotel”, sent to us by Steaky! On today’s show, Dan smells absolutely rancid, Mat gets kicked out of the pool for being naked, Andrew gets a rude wakeup call, Fish can’t wake anyone up at all, and Mat’s Mom is...
by onewordgo | Aug 28, 2014 | 2014 Episodes, Episodes, Podcast |
This week’s word is “adoption”, sent to us by Steaky! On today’s show, we tackle Dan’s complicated back-story from the day he was conceived to the day he poisoned his friends with frozen beverages. Also, we worship Mat’s Mom, Fish...