Extra: “You As Well!”

On today’s extra, Mat sits down with his Mom, who talks about accidentally stealing two barbecue covers, City Hall’s inexplicably bare-footed Mayor, Donald Trump’s influence on her dog, how well she plays the parking game, getting a bouncer fired,...

Episode 128: “Moving”

Today’s word is “Moving” sent to us by Mat’s Mom! On today’s show, Mat is insecure about his height, Dan holds down a nearly airborne mattress, Andrew judges a Winnie the Pooh impression, and Mélissa pretends to be a television...

Episode 127: “Wizard”

Today’s word is “Wizard” sent to us by George! On today’s show, Mat creates bewitching names for a wizardous game, Dan justifies his love of Clippy the paperclip, Andrew rips fat clouds with Gandalf The Dank, and Mélissa pinches owls. We also...

Extra: “E-break”

New episode will be up next Thursday! In the meantime, enjoy this extra! This little tidbit was recorded about a year ago as a sound-check before a full episode of the show. In it, Mat and Andrew talk about the times they saw cars moving on their own....